CELCORR is a research group at DTU-Mechanical Engineering focusing on "climatic reliability of electronic devices". CELCORR started as an Innovation Consortium Programme based on the funding from "Council of Technology and Innovation, Danish Ministry Science, Innovation, and Higher Education" from 2007 - 2011. From July 2011, CELCORR continue as a dedicated research group on climatic reliability aspects of electronic products in close collaboration with industries supported by the direct funding from Industrial collaborators and other research and development projects.
Centre for Electronic Corrosion (CELCORR) is established with the funding from Council of Technology and Innovation, Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Higher Education 2007 as an Innovation Consortium project together with IPU, DTI, Danfoss A/S, Vestas A/S, Grundfos A/S, GPV Chemitalic A/S, and PRI-DANA Elektronik A/S on evolving viable solutions to electronic corrosion problems. CELCORR today has various research and development activities in the area of climatic reliability of electronics. CELCORR collaborate with a number of universities, research institutions, and industries internationally.
CreCon - Consortium for Climatically Reliable Electronics is a part of the CELCORR established in 2011 aiming at providing continuous support to industries on climatic reliability issues. Consortium members are companies who wish to get support in on reliability issues at various levels. CELCORR group through CreCon consortium collaborates with a number of industries and provide support on various issues on corrosion reliability through research, product support, testing, advice, net-working, unique laboratory facilities, skills development, education. A member only data base website provides comprehensive information on all aspects of climatic reliability.
We are located in the Technical University of Denmark