Crecon consortium

Climatic reliability of electronics

Climatic reliability of electronic devices is one of the key challenges that manufacturers are facing when producing for global markets. Both industrial electronics and consumer electronics suffer from reliability issues due to corrosion, which includes application such as in humid and harsh environments. Therefore, incorporating enhanced corrosion performance in the design is relevant for all, which needs corrosion related knowledge to be combined with electrical and electronics aspects from the design stage to the application.


What do you get from CreCon membership?

CreCon industrial consortium under Center for Electronic Corrosion (CELCORR) aims to provide constant and continuous support to electronic industries in enhancing their product performance by improving corrosion reliability. CreCon engage in long term and short term research and development activities dictated by the need of the partner companies, while providing free product support and knowledge enhancement within the industries through free targeted short courses and seminars.All interested companies can become part of the CreCon as a consortium member, which allow them to closely dictate consortium activities to their needs.

CreCon activities focus on the following aspects:

  • Corrosion and degradation of PCBA materials
  • PCBA cleanliness issues in relation to corrosion reliability
  • Aspects of PCBA design for improving corrosion reliability?
  • Wet corrosion and gaseous corrosion aspects and failure mechanisms
  • Device and enclosure design and local interior humidity control
  • Conformal coating on PCBA and cleanliness issues
  • Electronic corrosion testing and prediction
  • Tips and thumb rules for improving corrosion reliability
  • How to achieve better cleanliness for PCBAs?

CreCon knowledge database

Access to the CreCon database websitewww.database.crecon.dkprovides member Companies comprehensive information on all aspects of climatic reliability including industrially relevant knowledge generated under the consortium over the years.

Three ways CreCon Support Electronic Industries:

CreCon support electronic industries 3 ways, which includes research and development, product support, and educational activities. Entry to the CreCon consortium is through an yearly membership fee. In return the industries get continued support on their reliability issues.

Any company can become a member of CreCon consortium with an yearly membership which can be renewed every year. 


*Product support hours can be utilized for getting help from CreCon on product related issues such as failure analysis, use of test equipment, advice on reliability issues etc. without any additional cost.


Consortium management

  • Consortium is managed by CELCORR, DTU with a single point contract.

  • Steering committee to overview the functioning of the consortium with nominated members as per wish of the consortium partners.

  • A CreCon activity co-ordinal from each member company as single point of contact for CreCon activities and information.

  • Membership to the consortium is subjected to the acceptance of consortium agreement for confidentiality and intellectual property rights.

  • As and when required, CreCon will seek extra funding possibilities from EU and at national level on topics relevant and beneficial to industrial members within aims and goals of CreCon. Consortium members will be invited to participate in these funded projects.


We will be happy to arrange a free meeting with you at your place to explain the consortium in detail.

Center manager prof. Rajan Ambat
Phone: +45 4525 2181
Fax: +45 4593 6213


Consortium industrial partners



Electronic corrosion testing