This Ph.D. project is part of ELMAC (Electronics Manufactured for Climate) and CreCon Industrial consortium on climatically reliable electronics. focus on understanding the interplay between electrochemical mechanisms and failure of electronic devices due to change in electrical functionality under humid conditions. The effect is due to water film formation, which is a combination of many factors including nature of the PCBA surface, cleanliness level, humidity, and temperature. The project will focus on electrochthemical impedance and DC electrochemical methods in understanding the water film formation and accurately measuring the electrical/electrochemical properties. The final goal of the project is to use probabilistic approach based on parametric investigations to define failure models and risk factor prediction, which can be implemented at PCBA leve for risk prediction when parameters are known.
This PhD project is part of the ELMAC consortium project (Electronics manufactured for climate).

The overview of the humidity effects causing leak current/short circuit and failure mode, failure mechanisms, and critical factors as the failure causes