With the transition to renewable energy and the increased focus on energy efficiency, the need for power electronic solutions has increased explosively. Denmark has number of global leaders in power electronics sector and a numbr of smaller companies. Realizing the increasing dependence on the power electronics, there also similar need higher efficiency and cost reduction. This reduction should include: increasing the energy efficiency, service life and reliability of technology. It important for Denmark to increase the competitivenesss in this ector at national and international level.
Against this background, X-power programme aims to establish a national reliability testing center of power electronics from component to system level, which can form a strategic center to coordinate the effort to improve the power electronics. The test center should provide the research environments and companies access to internationally leading facilities for testing and analyzing fault mechanisms in power electronic systems and components. The test center secure / enable Danish research on leading international level within the field. International companies and research institutions are expected to make great use of the center.
X-Power project is coordinated by Centre for Power Electronics (CORPE), Aalborg University together with Center for Electronic Corrosion (CELCORR), DTU, and Southern Unversity of Denmark (SDU). X-power labs based on the research themes and expertise will be located at CORPE, AAU, CELCORR, DTU, and SDU.
